Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nešto novo! | Some new stuff!

Da ne ispadne kako mi mašina služi samo za gledanje, evo mojih prvih kreacija! Trenutno se tek uvježbavam no čini mi se kako mi dobro ide. :)

English: Here are some sewed stuff I made these days! I think I'm doing quite fine with my sewing machine! :)

Ovo mi je najdraža kozmetička torbica (ne mora nužno biti kozmetička, ali meni je). Obožavam vunu, a i čini mi se kako je savršena za ovo zimsko vrijeme. :D

This one is my favorite cosmetic bag I made. I really love wool and I hthink it's perfect for winter time :D


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Boje koje koristim | Colors I use

U ovom postu tena me pitala koje boje koristim pa evo i odgovora na to pitanje. :)
Svakim danom moja kolekcija akrilnih boja se povećava i pokazat ću ih sve, no ipak jedne preferiram, a sad ćete čuti i zašto. :)
Pa, krenimo redom!

In this post tena asked me which colors I use so this post is about my acrylic colors so keep on reading!

Ove boje ponajviše koristim u zadnje vrijeme. Slučajno sam naišla na njih ovdje i od onda sam kupila nekoliko pakiranja, a imam u planu kupiti još neke nijanse. Ako sam dobro shvatila, oni sami rade te boje i zato su u principu tako povoljne - 24 kn, 250 ml! Imaju pomalo neobičan miris, ali to više niti ne osjetim jer sam se valjda navikla. Jako dobro prekrivaju površinu, suše se dosta brzo, možda mrvu sporije od nekih ostalih boja koje sam isprobala, ali ove boje nanosim najčešće u dva sloja pa mislim kako je u redu da se ne osuši istog trena. :D Koristim ih i sa drugim bojama bez ikakvih problema i u principu imam same pohvale za ove boje. :)

These colors aren't available anywhere outside Croatia but these are the cheapest ones I managed to find - 250ml for $5.

Ove boje počela sam kupovati među prvima jer tada kod mene baš i nije bilo mnogo izbora pa sam se morala zadovoljiti jedino ovakvim bojama. Jedina mana ovih boja je ustvari količina - 20 ml - što se vrlo brzo potroši ukoliko ih koristite često. Za neke manje radove su okej, brzo se suše i sve, ali su neisplative.

These were the 1st colors  purchased because I didn't have any other choice at the time. I do like them, they are good, but the amount of the product in the container is really small - only 20 ml - which is okay if you use them for really small projects, but for bigger ones? Nope.

U nastavku pogledajte koje još boje koristim!
Please follow me after the cut to see the rest of the colors I use!

Napokon - šivaća mašina! | Finally - sewing machine!

S obzirom da mi je jučer bio rođendan, to je bila savršena prigoda za kupnju ovako nečeg i puno hvala mojim roditeljima i dečku koji su pažljivo osluškivali moje kukanje unatrag par mjeseci kako nemam mašinu :D
Nije da se razumijem u šivaće mašine, ali za ono što ja mislim šivati čini mi se kako će ova mašina itekako poslužiti. Da stvar bude bolja, ovo je bila najjeftinija od ponuđenih, a cijena joj je tričavih 1700 kn :D Ostale su bile od 3000 pa na gore. O_o

Yesterday was my birthday so it was a great opportunity to get something like this and I thank my parents and boyfriend who were listening carefully to me while complaining about not having a sewing machine so they decided to get me one! :D
I'm not really familiar with sewing machines but I think this one will be more than good for me. And one more thing, this was the cheapest one in the store - approx. $350 while others were more than $600 O_o


Friday, October 29, 2010

Done! Simple Shabby Chic Picture Frame!

Jučer sam objavila post sa jednim radom 'u tijeku', a evo kako izgleda okvir nakon dorade! Kao što sam već spomenula u prošlom postu, nije ništa posebno, najjednostavniji shabby chic, no kako je to moj prvi shabby chic u uporabi, morala sam ga objaviti na blogu. :D

Na slici smo ja i brat na njegovoj maturalnoj večeri u veljači 2010., a njega sam ipak malo "sakrila" :D Šteta samo što mi se okvir ne slaže s ostatkom namještaja u stanu, ali baš me briga, meni se sviđa :D I da, mislim da bi bilo bolje da je crno-bijela slika, ali to ću već srediti :)

Boja je točnija na gornjoj slici, ova donja služi samo kao mali detalj. :)

English: Yesterday I posted some work in progress, it was this frame actually and here it is how it looks finished up! I know it's the most simple shabby chic ever but I like it this way. Also, since this is my first shabby chic which is actually useful, I decided to post about it. :)

You can se my and my brother on this photo, I covered his eyes haha :D It's such a shame that this frame sin't really the same style as the rest of my furniture, but I couldn't care less. I like it. Also, I think a b&w photo would be better, but I'll make one a bit later. :)

The color is more accurate on the photo above (it's not that creamy-yellow), the botom one is just a small detail. :)

Nadam se kako vam se okvir sviđa!

Hope you like it!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Work in progress!

Baš me i nije bilo u posljednje vrijeme u blizini, ali vjerujte mi, pratim sve blogove sa svoje liste :D I da, odlučila sam pisati hrvatsko-engleski blog, čini mi se nekako bolje :)

Trenutno nisam baš kreativna, ali kao, nešto me krenulo i evo kako to izgleda kod mene. Uređujem jedan okvir za slike, odlučila sam se za jednostavan shabby chic jer mi se za nešto više baš i ne da mučiti. :D Ali imam jako puno ideja, a ne baš toliko prostora za iste. Kme. :/

Ali ima jedna dobra vijest - sljedeći tjedan mi je rođendan i od roditelja i dečka dobivam šivaću mašinu na poklon!!! Već sam ju rezervirala u trgovini i sljedeći tjedan idemo po nju! I moram priznati kako su te šivaće poprilično skupe. Ona koju sam izabrala je bila najjeftinija, a cijena joj je 1700 kuna!!! O_o :D Ostale su od 3000kn pa na gore. :eek: :D

No, evo mog okvira! A sljedeći tjedan će biti nadam se još postova :*

English: Lately I haven't really been around here, but I do read all the blogs I follow, don't worry :) Also, I decided to write in Croatian/English version, seems better if so, if you ask me.

At the moment I'm especially active nor creative, but I think it got me goin' these days so let me give you a look at what I'm doing. I'm painting a photo frame, I chose shabby chic, it's the simpliest technique at the moment, I'm not in the mood for anything complicated. But, I do have plenty ideas now, I just have the problem with lack of space un fortunately. :(

And there is one good news - next week is my birthday and I'll be getting a sewing machine from my boyfriend and my parents! Woohoo! I already chose which one, an it was the cheapest one in the store and it was still over $300 (!) while the other ones were at least $700! O_o :D So, I obviously got a great deal, lol. :D

Well, let's get back to my picture frame!

Prije / Before

Obrada u tijeku / Work in progress

Thanks for checking my blog!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Again some hot glue work!

Few days ago I finally finished these two makeovers. These were plain dark blue planners but now they look way better. At least I think so. :D
Though, I'm not so satisfied with the green-blue one. Didn't turned out the way I planned, but it's not that bad either.

What do you think? :)

Bigger planner

Smaller planner


Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Decor Ideas: Yellow

Here's another post with interesting colorful interior designs. This post is dedicated to yellow color! Did you know there are 52 shades of yellow?! :)
Yellow symbolizes wisdom.
Yellow means joy and happiness.
People of high intellect favor yellow.
People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow.
Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy.
My favorite yellow combinations are in photos #1, #3 and #4. :)

Which is your favorite? :)


Thursday, September 23, 2010

IKEA Wishlist: Home Decor

And here's some home decor stuff I would like to get from IKEA. I really like how they have a huge choice and I especially like their prices :D

As you can see I like different styles, but I just can't help myself. I want it all, I want it now. :D






Kitchen details

Bedroom stuff

Anything you like? :)


IKEA Wishlist: Fabrics

Unfortunately, I don't have IKEA store anywhere near me so for now I can only have a wishlist when it comes to their stuff. They really have many interesting and nice home decor details but this post will be about IKEA fabrics that I loved when I saw their photo and would really like to get my hands on those. :)

What do you think? Have you bought any IKEA fabrics? Are they any good? :)


Friday, September 17, 2010

Home Decor Ideas: Purple

I love to watch some interesting and nice interior designs so I wanted to share some things that I like with you.
Since I'm into purple colors for years now, I'll start with that. I would love to have a room painted in purple. Not all walls, but just one wall which would stand out. And of course, some purple details. :)
How do you like purple color when it comes to home decor? :)

Your favorite? :)
I like 1st and the 4th picture the most.


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