Friday, October 29, 2010

Done! Simple Shabby Chic Picture Frame!

Jučer sam objavila post sa jednim radom 'u tijeku', a evo kako izgleda okvir nakon dorade! Kao što sam već spomenula u prošlom postu, nije ništa posebno, najjednostavniji shabby chic, no kako je to moj prvi shabby chic u uporabi, morala sam ga objaviti na blogu. :D

Na slici smo ja i brat na njegovoj maturalnoj večeri u veljači 2010., a njega sam ipak malo "sakrila" :D Šteta samo što mi se okvir ne slaže s ostatkom namještaja u stanu, ali baš me briga, meni se sviđa :D I da, mislim da bi bilo bolje da je crno-bijela slika, ali to ću već srediti :)

Boja je točnija na gornjoj slici, ova donja služi samo kao mali detalj. :)

English: Yesterday I posted some work in progress, it was this frame actually and here it is how it looks finished up! I know it's the most simple shabby chic ever but I like it this way. Also, since this is my first shabby chic which is actually useful, I decided to post about it. :)

You can se my and my brother on this photo, I covered his eyes haha :D It's such a shame that this frame sin't really the same style as the rest of my furniture, but I couldn't care less. I like it. Also, I think a b&w photo would be better, but I'll make one a bit later. :)

The color is more accurate on the photo above (it's not that creamy-yellow), the botom one is just a small detail. :)

Nadam se kako vam se okvir sviđa!

Hope you like it!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Work in progress!

Baš me i nije bilo u posljednje vrijeme u blizini, ali vjerujte mi, pratim sve blogove sa svoje liste :D I da, odlučila sam pisati hrvatsko-engleski blog, čini mi se nekako bolje :)

Trenutno nisam baš kreativna, ali kao, nešto me krenulo i evo kako to izgleda kod mene. Uređujem jedan okvir za slike, odlučila sam se za jednostavan shabby chic jer mi se za nešto više baš i ne da mučiti. :D Ali imam jako puno ideja, a ne baš toliko prostora za iste. Kme. :/

Ali ima jedna dobra vijest - sljedeći tjedan mi je rođendan i od roditelja i dečka dobivam šivaću mašinu na poklon!!! Već sam ju rezervirala u trgovini i sljedeći tjedan idemo po nju! I moram priznati kako su te šivaće poprilično skupe. Ona koju sam izabrala je bila najjeftinija, a cijena joj je 1700 kuna!!! O_o :D Ostale su od 3000kn pa na gore. :eek: :D

No, evo mog okvira! A sljedeći tjedan će biti nadam se još postova :*

English: Lately I haven't really been around here, but I do read all the blogs I follow, don't worry :) Also, I decided to write in Croatian/English version, seems better if so, if you ask me.

At the moment I'm especially active nor creative, but I think it got me goin' these days so let me give you a look at what I'm doing. I'm painting a photo frame, I chose shabby chic, it's the simpliest technique at the moment, I'm not in the mood for anything complicated. But, I do have plenty ideas now, I just have the problem with lack of space un fortunately. :(

And there is one good news - next week is my birthday and I'll be getting a sewing machine from my boyfriend and my parents! Woohoo! I already chose which one, an it was the cheapest one in the store and it was still over $300 (!) while the other ones were at least $700! O_o :D So, I obviously got a great deal, lol. :D

Well, let's get back to my picture frame!

Prije / Before

Obrada u tijeku / Work in progress

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